
Madison called Danny her "Treasure"

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

I Forgot

I wrote this about a year ago but for some reason didn’t post it to the blog.  I just found in on my tablet and decided to share it.

For just a few seconds in October (2014) I forgot she was gone.  I had a thought that Madison was still with us.  It was a silly thought really, about labeling things with our first initials.  I thought, “well that won’t work because we have two “D” names, Derric and Dallas and two “M” names, Mark and Madison.”  Then it hit me like a punch.  After five years I could not believe I had that moment.  All I could do then was cry.  It was so fast and unexpected it took me by surprise.  I was devastated all over again.  Unfortunately I had to be at work in a matter of minutes so I wiped my tears blew my nose and tried to pull myself together.  I guess I have become pretty good at compartmentalizing.

That experience was so sad.  For a little while it felt like I was back to square one.  The scary thing is how easy it would be to go there, square one.  Then again I don’t know if I could stay in my pajamas all day and wallow and cry.  I did that for a while.  I don’t want to be that person.  I know Madison wouldn’t want me to be that person; and the rest of my family wouldn’t want that either.

So for a few blissful yet heartbreaking moments I forgot that the worst day of my life happened.  I thought Madison was still with us.  I was thinking of her in a way that I had not done in years.  I usually am thinking about one or all of my children,  I love them all so much.